Zach D Roberts: Blog en-us (C) Zach D Roberts (Zach D Roberts) Sat, 08 Apr 2023 19:05:00 GMT Sat, 08 Apr 2023 19:05:00 GMT Zach D Roberts: Blog 120 80 Trump Wanted Islamophobe Laura Loomer on Campaign Staff The NYTimes reports that former Congressional candidate, out-spoken Islamophobe, an ally of the Proud Boys, and activist that once chained herself to one door of Twitter headquarters was requested by former President Trump to join his campaign.

"Mr. Trump met with Ms. Loomer recently and directed advisers to give her a role in support of his candidacy, two of the people familiar with the move said."

Pictured here is Laura Loomer in 2019 at the "Demand Free Speech" rally in Washington DC. The rally was attended by a large number of Proud Boys and general MAGA supporters. She was joined on stage by Marjorie Taylor Greene's former intern and anti-semite provocateur Milo Yinopolous who was cosplaying as the Jewish speaker, Ms. Loomer.

Other speakers included the founder of the violent hate gang, the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes, and former Alex Jones employee and current January 6th defendant, Joey Biggs.

Laura LoomerLaura Loomer Laura LoomerLaura Loomer

(Zach D Roberts) boys Laura Loomer maga Milo proud right-wing trump yinopolous Sat, 08 Apr 2023 19:03:58 GMT
Anti-Vaxxer Robert F Kennedy Jr Announces Run for President Robert  F Kennedy JrRobert F Kennedy JrRobert F Kennedy Jr photographed at his former home in White Plains NY.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. has just filed paperwork to run for President on the Democratic ticket in 2024. I've photographed and filmed RFK Jr multiple times over the last 15 years as he was once an excellent source on voting rights and environmental issues. Over the last couple of years he's slid farther and farther into anti-vaxx madness. Steve Bannon and Alex Jones listeners now love the man and seemed to have been behind this decision to run for President.

The image was taken about 10 years ago when he was being interviewed for a piece I was working on about the BP Deepwater Horizon blowout.


(Zach D Roberts) democrat kennedy photography photojournalism president RFK RFKjr stock Thu, 06 Apr 2023 01:00:25 GMT
Update to the Site: Weddings! I'm updating the weddings and events portion of my portfolio. Here's a couple selects from the very fun and easy shoot - Lister/Herbine Wedding back in 2019. I was a second shooter to Paige Durborow. 


(Zach D Roberts) Mon, 26 Jul 2021 06:28:35 GMT
Buzzfeed Named One of my photos from CVille as one of "The Most Powerful Photos Of The Decade" Buzzfeed made a list of incredible images from the last decade and somehow added one of mine into the mix. It's the one from Charlottesville, of course. 

Here's the link to the list of incredible images. I liked this selection as the photo-editor didn't always go for the most recognizable image from the event. 

You can check out the full gallery of images from the tiki torch rally the night before the Unite the Right rally here



(Zach D Roberts) alt alt-right charlottesville cville nationalists nazis photojournalism rally right supremacists tiki torch virginia white Wed, 04 Dec 2019 02:20:44 GMT
A Quiet Week in Provincetown It's rare I get to travel for fun and not have some sort of looming deadline. Every year my family heads out to Cape Cod - specifically Provincetown, Mass - for a family vacation. I've probably photographed this place more than any other place I've visited. 

We go the last week in June so it's after Pride and right before the 4th of July. Sometimes we're there for the Portuguese Festival and the Blessing of the Fleet, which I was lucky enough to document a little of a while back which you can see here

This year was incredibly quiet. The weather was nice but we missed pretty much everything going on in P-Town. Which for me is exactly how I like it. I had my new Nikon Z6 with me so it was the only thing I shot with. I made a couple photos with my family but mostly I tried playing around with some abstracts and landscapes to different levels of effectiveness. 


(Zach D Roberts) beach cape cod massachusetts mirrorless nikon provincetown travel z6 Mon, 01 Jul 2019 04:23:35 GMT
A Letter To CJR on Use of CC Flickr Images
Screenshot of CJR's use of Flickr CC image without proper credit.Screenshot of CJR's use of Flickr CC image without proper credit. Freedom of Speech by Ahdieh Ashrafi via Flickr Credit:

Hi, I'm photojournalist who occasionally write on media issues revolving around photographer rights. I also co-host a podcast that discusses topics in photojournalism called Around The Lens. 

I'm curious if you have a statement on using unpaid photographers from Flickr for illustrations on your articles? I'm also interested on your thoughts as media industry critics on the use of "Flickr" as a credit line, as opposed to say the photographers professional website. 

This article on press censorship caught my eye "Why the controversy over an Iowa cartoonist is no laughing matter" [] - it uses a CC photo with incorrect credit - and clearly is a free use image. 

Use of creative commons photos is wide spread on news sites, but what does it say that the one of the preeminent press criticism journals doesn't itself use paid photographers for its site? And doesn't even follow the guidelines of the creative commons attributions -

I by no means want to picture CJR as an outlier - this is something I see as a wide spread problem in the industry as a whole. I am hoping that this might start some discussion on where we want a form of journalism - photojournalism as a whole to go in the future. Unfortunately for photographers we cannot to our job from behind a desk and we can't use others work in our medium - we need a future where our work is respected and paid for.

If anyone has any interest in signing on to this letter - you can contact me at [email protected] or comment here with your basic info. 


Note: After I sent this letter I found the image used on a Oxford University site - again I hold the same issue with using free photography -but at least they used proper CC credit. 

(Zach D Roberts) cjr commons copyright creative flickr journalism photography photojournalism review theft Mon, 09 May 2016 04:31:59 GMT
From the Archives: Deepwater and Deep Memories. Shannyn Moore walks on Knight Island, in Prince William Sound, or as the locals call it - Diesel Beach.Shannyn Moore walks on Knight Island, in Prince William Sound, or as the locals call it - Diesel Beach.

Take It from Me Obama, Get the Pre-nup, We've been screwed before. 

Chairman of BP, Carl-Henric Svanberg: “And we care about the small people. I hear comments sometimes that large oil companies are greedy companies or don’t care. But that is not the case indeed, we care about the small people.”

Like a lover who really wants to believe that their husband is not going to cheat once again, President Obama has taken BP back. But what the President doesn't seem to recognize is that BP and the rest of the oil companies are about as faithful as Bill was to Hillary. Promises have been made before, and broken, and broken….

Shirley Bassey: They say the next big thing is here… that the revolution is near… but to me it seems all quite clear… That it's all just a little bit of history repeating…

I remember when I was 7 years old sitting in front of my Zenith watching the Exxon Valdez disaster spill out before my eyes. My Dad and Mom fighting in the background, as he was suspiciously late again coming home from work. The Alaskan birds, the coastline covered in the same substance that would later cover the Gulf of Mexico. That week in March 1989 would be stuck in my mind forever, not because my parents divorce was imminent but there something in my young mind that clicked… that father figures weren't to be trusted, dad's, presidents, ceo's...

We were always told the story was simple human error, 'Drunken Skipper at Fault' - that was what Exxon fed us and the media ate it up.  It wasn't until I came across Greg Palast's book 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy' that I found that there was another side to the story, at first I skipped over the famous parts of his book, the stolen election of '00, Enron and obsessed over 'A Well Designed Disaster.' Palast's assertion (and proof) that it wasn't the drunken skipper, but Exxon's criminal negligence and BP's lack of contractually agreed containment equipment that led to the largest US environmental disaster (until April 20th) was earth shattering. Accidents like this don't just happen. (These reports would lead me to years later seek him out to intern with his office and then become one of his researchers/producers).

Two of the largest corporations in the world were complacent, not just in the horrible accident but in what should have been a unheard of level of criminal liability. 

Exxon spent the proceeding years doing everything within their power to avoid paying damages, which originally were found to be upwards of $5 billion. The video of Exxon's manager of Alaska operations luckily saved by shows him taking questions from Alaskan Fisherman who were already feeling the hurt days after the spill. 

"Alaskan Fisherman: Is Exxon's shipping company is prepared to reimburse commercial fisherman for the lost income from fisheries…

Don Cornett, Exxon's manager of Alaska operations: You won't have a problem… I don't care if you believe that or not, that's the truth. You have had some good luck and you don't realize it… You have Exxon and we do business straight. (shouts from the audience) We will consider whatever it takes to keep you whole… now that's… You have my word on that, Don Cornett, I told you that."

But sadly the day the Valdez struck the reef was a lesson not learned, and during the Clinton and GWB years we slipped closer and closer to the invevitablilty of another spill. Not to say that there weren't many in the two decades that separate the Valdez and Horizon (LINK JASON"S TO REPORT). But none had the media's attention, as few had the oil covered birds, and sea creatures… and most were in cold places where few of the network anchors like to tread.


I'm holding out my hope for change until I see the contract - and a promise that the $5 billion dollar payments will keep coming -but I want more than their word. Even if BP were to go belly up tomorrow the assets go somewhere… if BP doesn't make good on their commitment I think Obama should take a page from scorned ex-wife's across the country - GET A PRE-NUP.

(Zach D Roberts) alaska deepwater gulf horizon mexico moore of oil photography photojournalism prince shannyn sound spill william Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:45:00 GMT
Around the Lens Podcast Episode 13


It's not often that you hear from the people that make the photos and video that go along with the news stories that you read. Photojournalists are a relatively silent group, usually loners (like me) who drop in take their shots and get out to file with their news organization as soon as possible. The few times you even read what we're thinking come in the form of one or two sentence captions at the bottom of photos. We never get invited on talk shows to get asked how we feel, or what we saw... even though we're usually the ones that define what the media is talking about.

That's why Dave Murphy and I started Around the Lens. It's a podcast (now in video too!) that each week has working visual journalists talk about their craft and discuss issues that are going on in their field.

Sometimes it's sad - when we're talking about losing friends in combat, sometimes it's snarky and sarcastic (usually whenever I open my mouth). But it's always on the topic of - however vague and wide that may be - visual news people and their lives. This week, we recorded our 13th episode and were joined by Syracuse University Professor David Sutherland and University of Missouri Student Mark Schierbecker. Professor Sutherland brings his decades of experience to the table and Mark is the shooter that captured the now famous call for "muscle" by Melissa Click at the University of Missouri.

Please tune in - through subscribing on iTunes or just watch the YouTube video below. If you have any topics that you like discussed you can leave a comment below or e-mail me at zdroberts (at)

(Zach D Roberts) audio news photography photojournalism podcast Fri, 19 Feb 2016 22:20:21 GMT
Photographing Sarah Palin and Donald Trump... Separately. As I'm sure that every person connected to the internet now realizes - Sarah Palin has endorsed Donald Trump. I've weirdly had the chance to photograph both of them in very odd environments... odd at least for me.

Back in 2010, while I was working on a film about Alaskan politics Sarah Palin was rumored to be speaking at a 9/11 Remembrance Rally in Wasilla, AK. Yes, a 9/11 Remembrance Rally in Wasilla, Alaska. It was very important election year for the state, with a highly contentious US Senate race, so of course the Republicans put on a rally to remember the death of over 3,000 people. They even had a sheet cake. 

Senate candidate Joe MillerSenate candidate Joe Miller

Donald Trump was under a bit more controlled environment. Last year at the 2015 NRA conference and convention in Nashville, TN amidst firearms, bullets, and accessories the man with the hair gave a rousing speech to the thousands of attendees. 

(Zach D Roberts) NRA alaska association donald national palin photojournalism photos rifle sarah trump wasilla Wed, 20 Jan 2016 04:39:00 GMT
Columbia Students Protest Low Campus Wages Wednesday, Oct 28th about 30 students, teachers and allies took to the steps of Columbia University's provost office to have their voices heard. Living in NYC is expensive - especially when you're spending most of your time doing school work. Students told stories of having to make daily decisions of paying rent and eating - which is why they are demanding pay increases for graduate students and for work study programs. 

(Zach D Roberts) $15 an columbia fast food hour minimum protest rally speakers students wage Thu, 29 Oct 2015 18:23:10 GMT
Emotional Uploading - Going through the archives as a trip down memory lane NYCStreet-1

Uploading photos from my hard drives and re-editing a lot of them is like going through a roller coaster of emotions.

First of course there's the excitement of finding something I thought lost. I'm not always good with indexing and backing up spot news events work. I need to pull the 10 or 15 good photos from something and then send them off to the wire as soon as I can. Often the little moments - the ones that would be great in a longer photo essay don't make it to the edit... so I don't even really see those at all until I do I have a slow work period like I'm having now.

Second there's the "DAMN" I wish I had the equipment I have now to shoot this event! Just thinking about how much better the D600 with the Sigma 35mm 1.4 would have done in this low light situation pains me to no end. Back in 2005 I traveled over 10,000 miles around the country with a Nikon film camera and a Nikon D70. Some of the things that I photographed just simply don't exist anymore. The fact that they were shot with a 6mp camera and cheap Tamron lens that had a soft focus at 70mm... ugh. Just... ugh.

Third and finally there's shots like the one at the top of the blog. Just a frame I took before a gig, while waiting outside for the doors to open. Not anything amazing, in fact it's technically lacking. I should have shot it wider, and exposed for the sky, not the buildings. But it's a red flag for my memory.

That's one of the big reasons I got into photography professionally years ago. Mainly I was a researcher and a journalist, I had been photographing for years - in fact had gone to school for film and still photo. Out of college I got a job working for a journalist as a researcher and producer. So outside of maybe an occasional B-Camera shoot I didn't really have the chance to work as a shooter. Eventually I started to write and cover my own stories but as an awkward mostly phone and computer journalist I had a problem actually talking to people in person. Cameras provided me the reason to be there, and to talk to people.

Keeping the outtakes also allows me to remember other things. Like the the day that happened after this photo was taken. The photo itself isn't of the event just what happened right before.

And that's sort of what this photo this photo means to me. I wanted to be somewhere and having my Nikons around my neck gave me the excuse me to be there.

(Zach D Roberts) archives archiving photography uploading Sat, 15 Aug 2015 04:26:18 GMT
Video: TheMudflats Meets the NRA

(Zach D Roberts) NRA association devon guns jeanne nashville national rifle Thu, 23 Apr 2015 19:28:09 GMT
Silence, 26 Years On from the Spill

Several years ago Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon and I went out to Prince William Sound on an assignment from BBC World Service. We were sent for the odd request that could only come from a international news agency like the BBC... gather sound. They didn't need video, or pictures, just sound.

The BBC had certainly been there before and had much in their catalogue to make it sound like their reporter was in Alaska - but they were looking for sound from right then. It was July 4th weekend so instead of BBQ and beer the Mudflats crew were on a boat making our way out to Knight Island for the sole purpose of capturing what it sounded like at that moment on what locals often called 'Diesel Beach.'

For me, it was mainly a journalistic endeavor. I had distinct memories of the spill - I followed it day by day, as much as I could from the national news but I had no idea what the Sound was like before. Shannyn knew, she had been there before, during and long after cleaning up what Exxon left behind. The promises from Exxon to do "whatever it takes to keep you whole" left many Alaskans feeling empty.


Quiet. - Prince William Sound After the Exxon Spill with Shannyn Moore from Zach Roberts on Vimeo.

(Zach D Roberts) alaska anniversary environment exxon nature prince silence sound spill william Wed, 25 Mar 2015 04:37:30 GMT
First LGBT Group Ever Marches in NYC St. Patrick's Day Shooting for the Village Voice, I followed the first ever LGBT group allowed to march in the over 250 year St. Patrick's Day Parade. The group, Out@NBCUniversal marched with little fanfare toward the end of the parade. 


Out@NBCUniversal lines up to march in the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Parade in NYC. This marks the first time a LGBT group was allowed to in the 254 year old parade. MSNBC Live's Thomas Roberts wore a jaket with family members photos attached to the back. Members of the Catholic church wave at the Out@NBCUniversal marchers as they walk by. A man gives the Out@NBCUniversal marchers a lone thumbs down. A supporter claps and cheers support for the Out@NBCUniversal marchers. A marcher poses for a photo wearing a Out@NBCUniversal sash.

(Zach D Roberts) Cardinal Dolan NBC NYC New Out@NBCUniversal York catholic civil rights gay gay rights lgbt march photography st. patrick's day Sat, 21 Mar 2015 20:55:00 GMT
Instagram: Rev. William Barber speaks to the press in Greensboro, NC - on Election Day Eve

Rev. William Barber speaks to the press in Greensboro, NC the day beofre the Nov 2014 #election #photojournalism #photography @moralmondays #politics #voting

A photo posted by Zach D Roberts (@zdroberts) on

(Zach D Roberts) Wed, 18 Feb 2015 13:04:40 GMT
File Under Film Ideas: "Son of a News Man" "I'm the son of a news man…everything will be double come on with your lawsuits…f---ers…"

This is a quote from George Clooney taken from an e-mail released in the Sony hack. The subject on the e-mail is "knowing this email is being hacked" - it was. Not, I'm guessing, by the culprits that he thought was going to do it - but it was hacked all the same. 

Either way - I'm extremely intrigued by this quote - I feel like it needs to be the opening of a script and 'Son of a News Man' needs to be the title.  

If anyone wants to write this with me, give me a yell. I'm all in. 



(Zach D Roberts) Fri, 12 Dec 2014 04:35:32 GMT
Greg Palast wins the December Sidney Award for 'Jim Crow Returns' Story "Greg Palast wins the December Sidney Award for “Jim Crow Returns,” and “Challenging Crosscheck,” a two-part Al Jazeera America exposé that shows how millions of innocent people were flagged as suspected vote fraudsters because they have the same first and last name as someone in another state."

Check out the full announcement here.

Al Jazeera America - Photo, Video and researchAl Jazeera America - Photo, Video and research

(Zach D Roberts) Wed, 10 Dec 2014 19:26:45 GMT
Al Jazeera 'Jim Crow Returns' Please check out the breaking story that I photographed and researched with Greg Palast at - 'Jim Crow Returns.'

Zach D RobertsZach D RobertsCopyright CS Muncy

(Zach D Roberts) Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:56:54 GMT
Opening Day at the Great New York State Fair For

I'd rather be covering the Alaska State Fair which is this week, but I'm stuck in Upstate New York. So, here are some photos from the New York State Fair. It was Governor's Day at the fair, and unlike in Alaska where that might mean free hamburgers and salmon, in New York it means protests and Dinosaur BBQ.

This bunny was quite surprised by my camera.

This bunny was quite surprised by my camera.WM-ROBERTS_RAINY_DAY_NY_STATE_FAIR-64





Clearly Syracuse needs a Bearcat. [Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck]WM-ROBERTS_RAINY_DAY_NY_STATE_FAIR-41

In the butterfly tent this kid was quite popular.WM-ROBERTS_RAINY_DAY_NY_STATE_FAIR-31

This is all butter.


Upstaters will put up with rain for a generic country music show... but to vote? Probably not.WM-ROBERTS_RAINY_DAY_NY_STATE_FAIR-15

Speaking of voting... Here's the Green Party's Howie Hawkins, he's running for Governor.WM-ROBERTS_RAINY_DAY_NY_STATE_FAIR-83

Just a little off the top, please.


It's not a fair without a cow show.

Ok, now it's time to stop taking photos.

Ok, now it's time to stop taking photos.

(Zach D Roberts) animals cows fair farms new state york Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:13:09 GMT
I Interviewed Stan Lee. That is all. Read the transcript at

(Zach D Roberts) stan lee Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:09:25 GMT
Village Voice Cover Story and Cecily McMillan Coverage Last week my photos from March 17th 2012 at Occupy Wall Street were featured in the Village Voice. The story was on Cecily McMillan a Occupier who was looking at 7 years in prison for elbowing a member of the NYPD. 

You can read the story here

I also covered her sentencing for the Village Voice here

Mashable also used photos from March 17th with Cecily. 


The Village VoiceThe Village Voice The Village VoiceThe Village Voice

(Zach D Roberts) cecily mcmillan occupy ows protest sheets tear village voice zdroberts Wed, 21 May 2014 20:58:55 GMT
Eye of the Storm - 36 Hours in Kiev Working on a new platform and the learning curve is... well, a bit frustrating. But please note this is a work in progress, I'll be adding a couple more chapters to it as time goes on (and correcting grammar).

(Zach D Roberts) Thu, 10 Apr 2014 16:30:41 GMT
Quiet. Prince William Sound After the Exxon Spill with Shannyn Moore

Quiet. - Prince William Sound After the Exxon Spill with Shannyn Moore from Zach Roberts on Vimeo.

(Zach D Roberts) alaska cordova exxon moore oil spill prince william sound shannyn valdez Mon, 24 Mar 2014 05:30:49 GMT
Aurora Archive I just found some aurora photos in my hard drives that I can't believe I never uploaded. Here's one of the best. You can check out the rest at the link here

(Zach D Roberts) alaska anchorage aurora colors night Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:02:49 GMT
15 Years and 41 Shots Later 15 Years ago today, 41 shots rang out in the darkness of a Bronx street corner.

19 of those shots hit a 23 year old man named Amadou Bailo Diallo.

Amadou did nothing wrong... other than matching a description.

He died holding his wallet in his hand and with four police officers standing over him named Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss. 

Each one of those men never served a day in jail for the killing of Amadou Diallo. 

Those are the facts of the case. The four officers were plain clothed, they confronted Diallo, he stepped into his buildings vestibule and pulled out his wallet - that's when one of the officers yelled "GUN!" And all but emptied their pistols into the man standing in front of them. 

According to the NY Times, "Two of the officers, Sean Carroll, 35, and Edward McMellon, 26, emptied their weapons, firing 16 shots each, the police said. Officer Kenneth Boss, 27, fired his gun five times and Officer Richard Murphy, 26, fired four times.

As of 2012 Kenneth Boss was reinstated by Commissioner Kelly and currently is walking the streets of NYC with a police issued hand gun. 

(Zach D Roberts) NYPD amadou and cops diallo frisk guns officer involved shooting stop Wed, 05 Feb 2014 02:58:35 GMT